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The Wildlife Department has a new photo sharing platform for anglers known as The Dock. The Dock is a place for anglers to showcase their fish catches no matter the species, size or method of take. The only requirements for submission are that:

  • Fish was caught in Oklahoma in 2021; and
  • Any person(s) shown in the photo must be appropriately dressed; and
  • No tobacco, alcohol, drugs and/or drug paraphernalia, or firearms present in the photo; and
  • Fish must be clean and whole (i.e. not bloody, filleted, or gutted).

The Dock will provide anglers of all skill levels and backgrounds the opportunity to share their proud catches with other anglers. The submission process will make it easy for anglers to snap a quick picture of the fish with their phone and upload it to the platform. Submitted photos, if they meet the photo submission requirements, will be published on the platform within 24 hours Mondays-Thursdays and within 72 hours Fridays-Sundays. Anglers can check back after the publishing period to see their catches as well as those of other anglers.

Photo submissions will list the angler's first name and last name or initial, what the fish species is, where it was caught and when it was caught. In addition to the Fishing Report, anglers can use The Dock to see where fish are being caught and when. Check out The Dock to help plan your next fishing trip or introduce someone new to fishing! 

This platform will replace the Lake Records Program beginning January 1, 2021. For those trophy anglers out there, don't fret, ODWC will continue to maintain its State Fish Record Program.

Remember, the outdoors are always open, so wet that line, hook that fish and share it with the world at The Dock!

- Skylar St. Yves is an information & education specialist and R3 fishing coordinator for the Wildlife Department.

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