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Native blooms in a pollinator garden or field make for a pollinator’s all-you-can-eat buffet! Whether you only have space for a small patio garden or have a pasture that can be overseeded with native wildflowers, adding flowering plants to your landscape can give Oklahoma’s pollinator community a boost.  

A sunny location, mix of perennial and annual native plants, and a plant selection catering to both adults and larvae are key elements for pollinator garden success. This recipe card from the Pollinator Partnership shares more ingredients and steps for creating a pollinator smorgasbord.

Planting guide for your native pollinator garden.
Steps to create your beautiful native pollinator garden.

Find more plant lists and pollinator-friendly landscaping tips in the Wildlife Department’s “Landscaping for Wildlife” online guide and from our partners in conservation like the Xerces Society and Okies for Monarchs.

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