Page 14 - July/Aug 2020 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 14





        Each year at this time, I pause and remember         tion, image quality, and more — that contribute to a
      how truly blessed I am by the readers of Outdoor       subjective eye’s selection of “the best of the best.”
      Oklahoma. You see, I’m blessed to experience the         In my eyes, all of our entrants are winners. And
      extreme creativity and vision of the artists who share   it’s not because of the photos they submitted. It’s
      their images for this annual Readers’ Photography      because they were able to personally experience
      Showcase issue.                                        the outdoor moments that allowed them to capture
        Many of the images are simply amazing. And           the images.
      those  amazing  images usually  find  their  way  onto   This year, the field  of  about  780 entries  had to
      the printed pages of this magazine, so that all who    be trimmed to the best 100 or so. In these images,
      see them can also be amazed and blessed. But it’s      you will find birds, mammals, insects, plants, land-
      not  just  the  most  amazing  captures  of  the  natural   scapes, outdoor activities – all the best of Outdoor
      world that determine which of the hundreds of imag-    Oklahoma! I offer our sincere thanks to those who
      es are selected to appear within our limited number    participated this year, and invite you all to come back
      of pages. Many other elements — focus, composi-        for next year’s Showcase! Now, on to the photos!
      tion, lighting, background, mood, image manipula-                        —Don P. Brown, Associate Editor

        “Last Chance:
        Chewbacca had
        just about enough
        of his hunting
        buddy’s poor
        in sub-freezing

         Ethan Hall of Yukon

         12                                                                    2020 READERS’ PHOTOGRAPHY SHOWCASE
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