Page 5 - Nov/Dec 2021 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 5

Wild About

                                                                                                              SMOKEY SOLIS/ODWC

               HUNTING BLIND BREAD

            By Smokey Solis, Communication and Information Specialist
              These breakfast pockets are full of flavor, and they can be a great way to save time the morning of the hunt. Prepare them ahead
            of time, then freeze them in a plastic bag or vacuum seal them. As you are heading out for the hunt, pop them into the microwave
            for a minute or two, and take them along to enjoy when you get all set up in the blind.

          Ingredients                    Directions

          2 refrigerated canned dough sheets  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
                                         • In a high-walled pot, sauté onions with butter. Once the onions begin to turn
          1.5 lbs venison breakfast sausage   translucent, add sausage to pot.

          1 white onion, chopped         • Brown sausage until it develops some crusty pieces. Remove from heat.
                                         • Roll out dough sheets on a flat surface. Cut each sheet into quarters, yielding eight
          1 Tbls butter                   separate pieces of dough.

                                         • Distribute portions of cheeses and sausage mix on each piece of dough.
          8 oz mozzarella cheese, shredded
                                         • Fold dough edges together, making sure to fully close each fold by pinching tightly.
          8 oz cheddar cheese, shredded  • Place each pocket, seam side down, on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
                                         • Bake about 15 minutes, or until pockets are golden brown. Bake time can vary by oven.

          When taking the pockets out of the oven, be careful; they will be scorching hot! Enjoy! And good luck hunting!

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