Page 12 - 2019 JAN/FEB Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 12

By Don P. Brown, Information and Education Specialist

                There’s Quail in

                Them Thar Hills!

                                                                                                                    DON P. BROWN/ODWC

                Timberland Research Hunt Yields

                Clues on Bobwhite Behavior

                                                                   By Don P. Brown, Information and Education Specialist

                                                                       t’s  commonly  thought  that  hunting  for  quail  in
                                                                       heavily forested southeastern Oklahoma is pretty
                                                                       much a great way to waste time. But for the past
                                                                   Iseveral years, a dedicated group of quail hunting
                                                                   devotees has wasted no time getting after the elusive
                                        ®                          birds that are found amid the towering pines of the
                                                                   Ouachita Mountains.
                                                                    For the past four years in January, a research/donor
                                                                   partnership between the Oklahoma Department of
                                                                   Wildlife Conservation and Oklahoma Quail Forever (QF)
                10                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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