Page 11 - Nov/Dec 2021 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 11

“Dad, can Jacob come with us?”

            That’s how it all started, that very simple question posed by my 9-year-                          KUrt KUKLInSKI/ODWC
          old son, Owen. It was early fall 2015, and I was planning and preparing for
          Owen’s first deer hunting experience, the 2015 youth deer gun season.
            Owen and I had been making plans to spend three days at Black Kettle
          National Grasslands, to participate in the youth season at Black Kettle
          Wildlife Management Area. Until then, I had never even considered inviting
          a friend to join us. I had high expectations of a father-son bonding weekend,
          spending three days in the beautiful setting of western Oklahoma canyon
          country, walking the wild prairie landscape in the hopes of an opportunity
          to harvest Owen’s first deer.
            I will admit that I was initially hesitant to include another youth hunter for
          this special occasion, my own son’s first deer hunt. But seeing his desire to
          share the experience with his buddy Jacob opened my mind and my heart to
          one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.
            I had no idea that Owen’s simple question would increase my own
          love of the outdoors by adding another hunter/angler to the long list of
          Oklahomans who are passionate about our outdoor sports.
            Jacob has been a family friend since Owen’s first days in school. They are
          classmates, have played on many sports teams together, and have formed a
          strong bond as friends. Jacob’s family is not what you would categorize as an   Owen with his whitetail buck harvest. He
                                                                             continues to enjoy growing up with outdoor
          outdoor-oriented family. There isn’t a family history of hunting and fishing.   experiences just like his father before him.

                                                                                                              KUrt KUKLInSKI/ODWC

          Friend Jacob, left, was invited by Owen Kuklinski, right, on his first deer hunt, and after Owen’s dad, Kurt, agreed, both were able to
          harvest a deer using the same rifle.

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