Page 12 - Nov/Dec 2021 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 12

KUrt KUKLInSKI/ODWC               Jacob’s family isn’t opposed to hunting or fishing; the family just hasn’t had
                                            the experience of enjoying these outdoor recreational opportunities.
                                             It’s also important to note that firearms and a lack of familiarity with
                                            guns was not an obstacle for Jacob to participate in hunting, as one of his
                                            parents works in the law enforcement field. Jacob was supported by his
                                            family in completing his hunter education curriculum, and he joined us
                                            for his first hunting experience in October 2015.
                                             The shared youth deer hunt that fall was an incredibly enjoyable and
                                            memorable trip for all three of us. The morning of Oct. 18, Owen and
                                            Jacob harvested their first deer within a minute of each other. After Jacob
                                            made a perfect shot, he passed the 7mm-08 youth rifle to Owen, who
                                            quickly followed by connecting with a great shot.
                                             Two “first deer” taken. A story woven between friends, never to be for-
                                            gotten. And a very excited and proud dad!
                                             During the past five-plus years, we’ve continued to include Jacob in
          Jacob shows off a spotted bass he caught at   our hunting and fishing adventures. I’ve added my younger son, Rylan,
          Lake Texoma.                      another young outdoor enthusiast, into my hunting family. (And Jacob is
                                            absolutely a part of this family.)
                                             When the number of youth hunters increased to three with the addition
          PrOVIDED                          of Rylan, I asked my father if he was interested in joining his grandsons and
                                            Jacob on our annual deer hunts. My dad jumped at the opportunity and has
                                            loved every minute of his time hunting with us the past four years.
                                             My dad brings an incredible amount of experience and wisdom to our
                                            hunts. And all three boys soak up that knowledge, hanging on every
                                            word when Grandpa Gary shares one of his hunting or fishing stories.
                                            My dad thanks me for welcoming him to mentor these young men, and
                                            for adding “another grandson” in Jacob, whom he loves like all of his
                                            other grandchildren.
                                             Since that first hunt in 2015, Jacob has immersed himself in outdoor
                                            recreation. He now has his own deer rifle, a Christmas gift from his
                                            family, so he is able to continue his hunting lifestyle. Jacob spends his
                                            own money acquiring hunting gear and fishing tackle. He subscribes to
                                            hunting and fishing magazines and online content. He will soon earn
                                            the independence of a driver’s license, which no doubt will open the
                                            doors even wider to his outdoor world.
                                             We have shared countless hunting and fishing adventures together
            Kurt Kuklinski is an outdoor    during the past five years. Each experience is made better by having
            enthusiast who grew up hunting   Jacob there to share in it with my family. As I reflect on this history, I am
            and fishing with his family in   almost embarrassed to admit an initial feeling of reluctance to reach
            central Wisconsin. He has pursued
            his love of fish and wildlife from   out to Jacob and include him in my family’s outdoor story.
            coastal waters to rolling prairies   What if I had been too selfish to share this with Jacob? How much
            and mountain streams, often with   enjoyment and growth would he have missed out on? How much enjoy-
            his beloved dogs. Kurt has worked   ment and growth would my father and I have missed out on?
            as a researcher with ODWC for    Yes, including another youth in our outdoor experiences takes extra
            20 years, studying both fish and   planning, extra coordination, and some added expense. But listening
            wildlife. He now supervises the   to Owen back in 2015 and inviting Jacob to be a part of our hunt were
            Wildlife Research and Wildlife   among the best decisions I ever made.
            Diversity Programs. When not     I’m proud to know that Jacob will continue to be a passionate and eth-
            guiding his sons (and Jacob) to new   ical hunter and angler. It warms my heart that he can tell his family and
            fishing and hunting adventures,   friends that he has provided protein for the dinner table.
            Kurt and his wife, Heather, enjoy   My advice is to go ahead and take the chance if it’s ever presented.
            traveling and watching their sons
            compete in athletics.           Make the offer to include a new recruit in the wonderful experiences
                                            provided by outdoor recreation.

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