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Pine Creek WMA

Pine Creek Lake, photo by Kelly Adams


Game Warden (County):
(580) 513-4963(McCurtain)
(580) 513-4651(McCurtain)
(580) 513-6866(McCurtain)

Area Acres
10,280 ac.

Pine Creek WMA covers 10,280 acres and is located in McCurtain and Pushmataha Counties approximately 7 miles North of Valliant, Oklahoma. The WMA is adjacent to Little River and Pine Creek Lake. Habitat consists of mature stands of hardwoods in the bottom land areas to hardwood/pine tree mixes in some areas as well as large stands of mostly pine located through the area. Some of the area is old farm field habitat that is maintained through intensive management practices. The variety of trees include six species of oak as well as ash, hickory, pine, river birch, willow, as well as sand plum, holly, sumac, and a great variety of grasses and legumes. Soil types vary from deep sand to rocky and the area is part of the Kiamichi Uplift. The average annual precipitation for the area is 53 inches.

From Valliant: 8 miles north on Pine Creek Rd to lake.

  • Quail: Bobwhite quail are present in low numbers. 
  • Bear: Black bears are present.
  • Deer: Whitetail deer are present in good numbers but are highly sought after.
  • Turkey: Eastern wild turkeys are present in fair numbers but are highly sought after. 
  • Rabbit: Both cottontails and swamp rabbits are abundant, with cottontails being more common. 
  • Furbearers: Coyote, bobcat, beaver, mink, and raccoon are available. 
  • Dove: Dove are usually present in fair during the migration. 
  • Waterfowl: Goose numbers are low but duck numbers can be fair on the open water.  
  • River Otter: Otters are present.
  • Bald Eagle: Eagles winter at Pine Creek Lake and travel the Little River Basin.  

Approximately 250 acres of food plots are planted yearly. Management practices such as burning, plowing, and bush hogging are used to provide quality native plant food resources and to maintain habitat diversity. Pine Creek WMA has plenty of water sources for all game and non-game species. 

Camping is allowed at primitive sites on the management area with food and lodging available in Valliant. The Corps of Engineers Pine Creek Lake project office also offers year round camping with full utilities at some very scenic campsites. The C.O.E. phone number is: 580-933-4239.

Fishing opportunities exist at Pine Creek Lake both on the main water and below the dam. The C.O.E. has convenient boat ramps that allow easy access too many parts of the lake.  Black bass, catfish, crappie, and smallmouth are all in abundance at Pine Creek Lake. Nearby Little River provides quality fishing for smallmouth bass and sunfish species, and is floatable via canoe during spring. 

Area closed to all activities for controlled deer hunts Nov. 8-10, 2024.

Closed Seasons
Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun, Turkey Fall Gun
Same As Statewide Seasons
Bear Archery, Deer Archery, Youth Deer Gun, Bear Muzzleloader, Deer Muzzleloader, Dove, Rail, Gallinule, Waterfowl, Turkey Fall Archery, Trapping
Seasons w/ Special Restrictions
  • Deer Gun

Open the first nine days only.

  • Crow, Quail, Snipe, Woodcock, Rabbit, Squirrel, Predator/Furbearer Calling

Closed during the first nine days of deer gun season.

  • Pursuit with Hounds for Furbearers

Dogs not permitted on WMA from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset during deer gun, deer muzzleloader and youth deer gun seasons.

  • Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey Spring

One-tom limit; seasons combined.

Additional Restrictions:

Hunter and angler camping is allowed within 50 yards of open roads.

Kiamichi Country Tourism   

Broken Bow Chamber of Commerce
1134 W Martin Luther King Jr, 
Broken Bow 74728
(580) 584-3393 or (800) 528-7337

PO Box 279, Dept KC03
Clayton 74536 
(918) 569-4135

Hugo Area Chamber of Commerce
200 South Broadway
Hugo OK 74743 
(580) 326-7511

Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department
Post Office Box 52002
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-2002
(800) 652-6552 or (405) 521-2409

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