Connect with nature and fellow naturalists the entire month of April with fun challenges, games, online presentations, and an inventory of the state’s plant and animal life with the Spring Virtual BioBlitz!
The month-long event catalogs as many of our state’s species as possible, and compiles sightings from across the state. Participants can plug in from wherever they feel comfortable – from their backyard or local park, or by traveling to one of our state’s many natural areas. Sightings can be shared using iNaturalist or eBird, free online crowd-sourcing platforms that collect the who, what, when and where elements of the observation, along with photos of the organism. Spring BioBlitz! participants can also track the bloom and leafing out of our state tree, the eastern redbud, through BudBurst.
Four month-long and five weekly inventory challenges have been scheduled by BioBlitz! Coordinators, with fun nature prizes as rewards.