Cherokee WMA "Open House"
Join us at Cherokee Wildlife Management Area (WMA) on Saturday, Feb. 8 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. for this family-friendly hands-on learning event.
Next Year's Hunting Season Dates
How and when Oklahoma's hunting season dates are set can get complicated. But for the most part, hunting seasons are either on the same date or the same weekend every year.
Deer Gun License Valid for Holiday Antlerless Deer Season
Holiday antlerless deer gun hunters can harvest up to two more deer with just an annual hunting license and one deer gun license.
Venison: It's What's For Dinner!
There are numerous reasons to go deer hunting: the adventure, the tradition, the opportunity to connect with nature, and the nutritious meat it provides. As a family of four, having nutritious, self-harvested meat gives me peace of mind knowing we're eating healthy and saving money. This led me to explore the health benefits of deer meat.
Youth Deer Gun Season Tips: A Guide for Youth & Parents
This year could be better than ever for youth hunters. The full scoop on how to "go out and do" the youth deer gun season, for kids and adult mentors.
Kaw WMA "Open House"
Join ODWC Wildlife biologists, game wardens and education staff for a day of fun and education at the Kaw WMA gun range.
Tips for a Successful Dove Season
We share dove hunting tips like how to choose the right shotgun and shells, find a place to hunt, and which hunting accessories can help you make the most of the season.
Take Dove Hunts to New Level at Forested WMAs
Hunting mourning dove in forested areas can be a bit challenging, but Honobia Creek and Three Rivers Wildlife Management Areas in southeastern Oklahoma are great places to visit for anyone looking for a different type of dove hunt that only forested habitats can provide.
HIP Hip Hooray!
Two hunters set out on a quest in 2014. Their hunting goal was to harvest a bird from every category listed on the federal Harvest Information Program permit, an annual federal survey required to be filled out by most migratory bird hunters across the nation.