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Tips for Sharing the Hunting Heritage with Kids

Conservation is funded by sportsmen when they buy hunting and fishing licenses and pay federal excise taxes on sporting goods, so an important part of ensuring a future for conservation includes ensuring a future for sportsmen. Share your heritage!

Wild Double Take: Bumble and Carpenter Bees

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike bees: bumble and carpenter bees.

“Will You Walk into My Parlour?”

Spider enthusiasts share tips for living – or at least existing – with eight-legged visitors to our homes and spaces.

Wild Double Take: Alligator Snapping and Common Snapping Turtles

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike turtles, the alligator snapping and common snapping turtles.

Wild Double Take: Woodhouse's and American Toads

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike toads, the Woodhouse's and American Toads.

Tips for Moving Turtles From Roadways

Oklahoma's roads can be a dangerous place for wildlife, especially deliberate but slow-moving turtles. As you motor across the state this spring, consider lending these fellow travelers a hand with these three tips.

Nature Sightings: What to Share and How to Share It

We offer tips for what to share when it comes to nature sightings and how to share them with biologists.

Wild Double Take: Least and Western Sandpipers

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike shorebirds, the least and western sandpipers.

Problem Wildlife Guests or Pesky Pests?

On occasion, some animals behave more like pests than welcomed visitors, which means adapting your behavior to theirs – outsmarting or excluding them when they create a nuisance you can’t live with. This guide provides tips for dealing with problem wildlife guests or pesky pests.

Wild Double Takes: Spotted and Striped Skunks

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike mammals, the spotted and striped skunks.