Taking the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation hunter education course has long been an important way to learn about safe and legal hunting, and in some cases it’s required by law. But required or not, anyone can benefit from completing the course.
"Whether you are a student looking to go hunting with your friends or a mom hoping to take a kid hunting this year, our hunter education course is a great resource,” said Lance Meek, hunter education coordinator for the Wildlife Department.
The free hunter education course is offered both online and in several classroom sessions taught by certified instructors. Classroom courses are being offered across the state throughout the fall, including several scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 15. For class schedules, go to www.wildlifedepartment.com/education. The convenient online course can be found on the same web page.
Topics include firearms safety, wildlife conservation and identification, safe archery and more. The classes help people become safe, legal and ethical hunters. The course is required for most hunters ages 10-30 who wish to hunt without a mentor present.
"We've always tried to make classes convenient for our hunters," Meek said. “The online class is great because it allows students to take the course at their own pace, even over the course of several days.”
The online course also offers young students the benefit of involving parents in learning about safe hunting. "I love the idea of the kids sitting down with their parents to work through the hunter safety curriculum," Meek said. "Parents or mentors are a critical part of the process of becoming a hunter."
On the other hand, Meek said the in-class courses held throughout the state are a great opportunity to learn about hunting from a certified instructor in a structured setting.
Any Oklahoma resident 10 or older may complete the online course and print a hunter education certification card upon completion of the online final exam. Youths 9 and younger may take the course for knowledge but are not eligible for certification; instead, these youths may buy an apprentice-designated hunting license. Apprentice-designated licenses also may be used by anyone 30 or younger. Hunter education certification is not required for anyone 31 or older in Oklahoma.