Dates & Open Areas
Panhandle Counties (High Plains Mallard Management Unit)
Youth, Veteran & Active Military Waterfowl Days: Sept. 28 & Feb. 1.
Zones 1 & 2
Youth, Veteran & Active Military Waterfowl Days: Nov. 2 & Feb. 1.
Duck Hunting Zones
Ducks & Mergansers

Bag and Possession Limits
The daily bag limit for ducks and mergansers is six. The daily bag limit may include no more than; Five mallards (only two may be hens), three wood ducks, two redheads, two canvasbacks, one scaup and one northern pintail. The possession limit after the first day of hunting is two times the daily bag limit, and after the second day of hunting is three times the daily bag limit for ducks, mergansers and coots.

Bag and Possession Limits
The daily bag limit for coots is 15. The possession limit after the first day of hunting is two times the daily bag limit, and after the second day of hunting is three times the daily bag limit for ducks, mergansers and coots.

Bag and Possession Limits
There is no separate bag limit for mergansers. They are included in the duck limit. The possession limit after the first day of hunting is two times the daily bag limit, and after the second day of hunting is three times the daily bag limit for ducks, mergansers and coots.
Special Youth, Veteran, and Active Military Personnel Waterfowl Hunting Days
The U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service is allowing two days outside of the regular waterfowl season to provide special hunting opportunities. The daily bag limit may include ducks, mergansers, coots and geese. Bag limits will be the same as allowed during the regular season. All species and sex specific duck bag limit restrictions remain in effect.
Youth hunters must be 15 years of age or younger. An adult, at least 18 years of age, must accompany the youth hunter into the field. This adult cannot hunt waterfowl but may participate in other open seasons.
Veterans (as defined in section l 01 of title 38, United States Code) and members of the Armed Forces on active duty, including members of the National Guard and Reserves on active duty (other than for training), may participate.