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Attention Hunters

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Hog (Feral Swine) Regulations

See General Regulations for additional regulations.

Hog Definition

Hogs are defined as any hogs, including Russian and European wild boar, which are running at large, free-roaming or wild.

Feral Hog Resources

Landowner Provisions

Except during deer gun seasons, a landowner, agricultural lessee, or their designated agent with written permission from the landowner or agricultural lessee may control nuisance or damage by coyotes or feral swine without a permit during the day or night, and without limitation by statewide season regulations or bag limits, and with the use of any legal means of take, to protect marketable agricultural crops, livestock or processed feed, seed, or other materials used in the production of an agricultural commodity. 

Landowners or agricultural lessees performing nuisance control activities shall be required to have a current agricultural exemption permit issued by the Oklahoma Tax Commission. A landowner, agricultural lessee, or designated agent of the landowner or lessee may use a headlight, thermal, or light enhancement device carried on the person, a vehicle with or without a mounted spotlight or night vision equipment while controlling nuisance coyotes and feral swine at night.

Shooting Hours

One-half hour before official sunrise to one-half hour after official sunset.

Hunter Orange

For hunter orange requirements, see Big Game Regulations.

Private Lands

Hogs may be taken year-round on private land during daylight hours or at night with permission from the private property owner, lessee or occupant of the land.

The pursuit of feral hogs with a shotgun on private property is not restricted by shot size. There is no restriction on method of take of feral hogs on private property.

  • Resident & Nonresident License Requirements: No hunting license required. All persons pursuing hogs during any big game gun or muzzleloader seasons with a shotgun and rifled slug, or any rifle or handgun larger than .22 caliber rimfire, must possess licenses appropriate for that particular big game gun or muzzleloader season, unless otherwise exempt.

Public Lands

Hog hunting is closed year-round at Hackberry Flat WMA/WRP, Kaw WMA, Sandy Sanders WMA and Waurika WMA. Hogs may be taken on Department-managed lands during any established hunting season with methods authorized by the Department for that hunting season, except that during any open deer and/or turkey season, only appropriate methods, hunting hours and legal equipment for that deer and/or turkey season are authorized for taking or pursuing feral hogs. No feral hogs may be removed alive from a WMA.

Pursuit of hogs at night is prohibited from Oct. 1 - Jan. 15 and during any spring turkey season.

Pursuit of hogs at night during any other time of the year has the following restrictions:

  • Use of a firearm is prohibited

In addition, persons pursuing hogs must comply with all other WMA regulations (see Department-Managed Area Rules).

Resident & Nonresident License Requirements: All persons pursuing hogs must possess a hunting license (see Licenses & Permits), unless otherwise exempt. In addition, persons pursuing hogs on WMAs open during youth deer gun, bear muzzleloader (in open counties), deer muzzleloader, deer gun, Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun (in open zones), elk gun (in open counties) and antelope gun (in open areas) seasons with a shotgun and rifled slug, or any rifle or handgun larger than .22 caliber rimfire, must possess licenses appropriate for the current season, unless otherwise exempt.

Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry Feral Swine Rules

The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture oversees the licensing of individuals who transport or maintain live feral swine after capture. For more information on this licensing program, please visit

Oklahoma is taking part in the Feral Swine Eradication and Control Pilot Program, a program of the United States Department of Agriculture. To ensure projects are conducted effectively, hunting on these WMAs for feral hogs is prohibited: Hackberry Flat, Kaw, Sandy Sanders and Waurika.